Brand Strategist | Ed-Tech | Training | Digital Solutions

My name is Delphine Mukandutiye and I am the proud founder of Edel Digital, a dynamic technology and digital marketing company dedicated to transforming businesses using cutting-edge digital tools.
We empower businesses to thrive in the digital age by harnessing the full potential of technology and we understand that no two businesses are alike, which is why we take a tailored approach to every project. From startups to established enterprises, we've helped countless businesses leverage digital tools to streamline operations, amplify their online presence and drive sustainable growth.

Professional Experience

• Founder and Managing Director – Edel Digital Ltd
• Head of Digital, Brand & Customer Experience – AMACO Insurance
• Brand & Communications Manager – AMACO Insurance
• Project Manager - @ilabAfrica, Strathmore University
• Manager – Google Digital Advertising Academy, Strathmore University


• Online training – E4D Project (Employment and Skills for Development in Africa)
• Contracted by GIZ Kenya to train women entrepreneurs on content creation and sales generation.
• Partnered with YTED (Youth Talent & Enterprise Development) to train on work, entrepreneurship and personal branding.
• Was part of the team that automated the revenue collection & receipting system for Kiambu County.
• UNESCO - Kenya ICT CFT Course





KENET research: development of mobile learning
platform and e-assessment in Strathmore University.



Conference research paper: the use of ICT in
assessment of large classes, a case of Strathmore University.



Pioneered the launch of the e-Learning Support Centre
in Strathmore University



Paper on ‘Adoption of e-Assessment in Strathmore
University’, presented at the IST-Africa 2014 conference in Mauritius. The paper was published by IIMC 2014. Find it HERE.



Paper on ‘The Way to Go: Designing for Social
Media-Based Learning. A case of Strathmore University’ was
presented at the E-learning Innovations Conference held at
Safari park (Kenya).

Contact Me

I purposefully create powerful and engaging brands. I endeavour to deliver digital solutions and top-notch customer experience that inspire business growth and profitability


+254 725-945-630


delphine.bheny@gmail.com delphine@edeldigital.co.ke


28084 - 00200


Nairobi, Kenya

BNI Kenya (Business Networking International)


Brand Strategist | Ed-Tech | Training | Digital Solutions

I am passionate about leveraging technology and digital marketing to empower businesses and drive transformative growth in the digital age. With a background in Business Information Technology and Digital Marketing, I founded Edel Digital with a clear mission: to help businesses thrive by harnessing the full potential of digital tools and strategies.

Excellent communication skills:

I have had the chance to gain people skills while working in ICT support services, computer labs, handling correspondence and relationships at the Safaricom Academy and working in communication department. +

Working under strict deadlines:

I am comfortable and used to working under tight schedules, working on various projects and delivering results. +

Dream Team

At Edel Digital, we believe that our people are our greatest asset. We have assembled a team of talented professionals who are passionate about digital and dedicated to delivering excellence in everything they do.